

It is a fact of life in Vermont that for just about anything you want to do, you need a permit to do it. Small projects may be able to get by with only one permit; large projects can require a half dozen or more.


Long Trail Engineering, P.C. has extensive experience with successfully preparing applications and obtaining permits for a wide variety of projects. These permits include:


Department of Environmental Conservation

Act 250 Land Use Permits


Wastewater Management Division

Wastewater System & Potable Water Supply Permit

          Indirect Discharge Permit


Water Supply Division

Permit to Construct

          Permit to Operate

          PCWS Source Permit

          Categorical Exclusion

          Revolving Loan Fund & Priority List


Vermont Agency of Transportation

Permit to Construct in ROW


Water Quality Division

Operation Stormwater General Permit

          Construction General Permit

          Multi-Sector General Permit

          Streams Alteration Permit

          UIC Permit


Environmental Due Diligence

          Phase I Environmental Site Assessment

          Environmental Transaction Screen



Elevation Certificates

          Letter of Map Amendment/Letter of Map Change



Miscellaneous town permits